#31: How Lemme lost 11 kgs in 6 Months with Less Exercise Through Lockdown!

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Lemme thought she was eating healthy and exercising a heck of a lot, but wasn’t seeing the results she hoped for or felt that she deserved from her efforts. She used to do F45 challenges and lose 5 kilos, but always gain it back and never seemed to see any long term progress.

In the thick of Melbourne lockdown in July of 2020, and after an operation that had her inactive for over a month, Lemme decided to take charge of her nutrition with the 3 Week Body Reset.

And boy was she surprised at what started to happen...

In just a few weeks she could feel her clothes getting looser, despite the fact she wasn’t exercising and started to learn that it was all about the food she was eating.

And, even better? She wasn’t hungry and didn’t feel deprived.

In this podcast, Lemme shares her best tips that helped her stay motivated to lose weight and keep it off until now.

It’s one you won’t want to miss!


I thought I’d do a wardrobe clean out last weekend and everything is loose. I feel younger!

- Lemme Haralambakis

She has so much to share with you all about how she did it whilst making room for hot chips and wine!

Ready to listen to this inspirational story?

Ready to start your journey with the 3 Week Body Reset and feel like Lemme too?

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Links mentioned:

Start your journey with my 3 Week Body Reset or the Winter Warmers here!

Done the 3 Week Body Reset and want to continue your weight loss journey? Join the Health with Bec Tribe!

More resources related to this topic

9 Scientifically Proven Benefits of Low Carb Diets


7 Simple and Common Low Carb Mistakes That Sabotage Your Success


#32: Why 'Intuitive Eating' and 'Eating in Moderation' Simple DOESN'T Work


#30: 4 Simple & Free Lifestyle Hacks and Changes that Boost Your Energy