#4: Which Diet is REALLY the Best for YOU? How Do You Know?


There's so much noise out there isn't there? Paleo, vegetarian, vegan, low carb, the 5 and 2... but which diet is REALLY the best for YOU? Which ones can actually do more harm than good?

It's time to clear that confusion and find out!

In this episode, I will explain each diet and how it truly is easy to understand which are healthy, which are worth trying and which are utter bullsh**.

You'll also learn a simple formula to decide whether an eating style (diet) is worth even attempting and how to know if it is good for YOUR body.

Enough of the confusion, debates with your friends and googling until the cows come home - let's find out what's REALLY best for you!

Links mentioned:

Follow me and say hi for more daily inspiration @health_with_bec

Think a low carb diet is worth a try for you? Start your journey with my signature plan that's helping thousands of women worldwide slim down and lose the bloat -without the hunger, my the 3 Week Body Reset

Other helpful resources related to this episode:

My dietary approach


#5: 9 Scientifically Proven Benefits of Low Carb Diets


#3: 5 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started my Dieting Journey