#57: 6 Scientifically Proven Ways to Naturally Detox Your Body!


I have also written an entire blog post for this episode! Click here if you prefer to read!

You don’t have to pay for expensive juice cleanses to detox your body of toxins, I definitely don’t believe in them and unfortunately, the effects of them are extremely temporary and not backed up by science.

Your body is smart enough to eliminate toxins on its own, using certain detoxing organic - the liver, kidneys, digestive system, skin, and lungs.

So, optimising your bodies OWN natural detoxification systems should be everyones goal!

Click the button below to listen to me explain how these top 6 tips can help you detox naturally:

  1. Eat the right foods and avoid the nasties

  2. Optimise your sleep

  3. Drink more water

  4. Eat less salt

  5. Get active!

  6. Switch to natural cleaning and body products!

Links mentioned:

Read the entire blog post for this episode here

Follow me on instagram here

Grab my 5 Day Detox meal plan before it disappears on Jan 31 here!


#58: 8 Scientifically Proven Tips To Rid Fluid Retention (ie False FAT)!


#55: My Top 10 Tips to Indulge Whilst Maintaining Balance These Holidays!