Health With Bec

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My Top 5 Short-Term Anti-Bloat Tips

Feeling bloated all the time and can’t find the answers? You're not alone. While this problem is extremely common among women, it's not necessarily normal and shouldn't be happening daily. 

I experienced this issue for years - and it was bad… very bad. I saw multiple specialists and couldn’t find the answers for my chronic constipation and debilitating bloating concerns for years.

You can learn all about my journey to FINALLY finding the answers on episode 76 & 77 on Body Bites with Bec to learn what my answers were, how it all begin, the horrifying advice doctors gave me and my best tips to heal your gut concerns.

You need to be your own detective and get to the bottom of what's causing the constant bloat. In short, for me, addressing my food sensitivities and working with different probiotics to correct the balance of my gut bacteria has done wonders. 

Now, while it is a long - term issue to work on and solve, there are a definitely a few simple things that you can do today that will help to keep you feeling bloat free. 

1. Avoid these common 'bloat-causing' foods

  • Gluten found in bread, pasta, crackers, grains (except for quinoa and brown rice)

  • Dairy (milk, cream and yogurt). Cheese can usually be ok if eaten in small amounts

  • Beans and lentils

  • Large amounts of cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and brussel sprouts

  • Fried or spicy foods

  • Sugar-free foods (like sweetened drinks, lollies or chewing gum)

  • Large amounts of garlic or onion if you're sensitive to FODMAP foods.

2. Choose your drink wisely

You really want to avoid anything that has bubbles. This will create gas in your stomach and result in bloating and pain. So, avoid champagne, carbonated water, beer and ciders.

3. Physical activity

Try to move around and go for a little walk after your meals. Physical activity can help release trapped gas and pain. 

4. Take one of these two things before meals

  • Apple cider vinegar: Dilute 1 tablespoon in water and drink right before your meals

  • Activated charcoal: This is an over-the-counter medication that helps eliminate gas trapped in your colon. Take tablets right before and one hour after your meals.

5. Have the right medication on hand

Now, medication is only going to mask the symptoms, and it's not a long-term solution to bloating. However, when the bloating strikes out of the blue and you're at a function in a tight dress - you need some quick-acting help stat. Carry in your bag...

  • An anti-gas medication that helps to reduce the size of the gas bubbles in your colon to make them dissipate and pass through easier. Common ones are made of simethicone and go by the names of Gas-x, Mylanta-Gas, Phazyme and De-gas.

  • A medication that helps to stop cramps and pain like buscopan.

You may need both of these or just one. 

I hope this helps you! Like I said, bloating can be a long-term issue to work on, and getting to the root cause of your own personal situation can take time. 

If you’re ready to follow a proven meal plan that helps women lose the bloat and slim down after trying it all, I highly recommend my 3 Week Body Reset.

It uses the same approach that I follow till this day to control my bloating issues and keep my digestion in tip top shape after struggling for years. Click here to learn more!