#10: How You CAN Lose Weight Whilst Eating Out


How many times have you gone out for dinner whilst trying, oh so trying, to be on a “diet”, only to give in to all the temptations, feel like a failure, give up and start on Monday again?

You’re not alone.

I see this all the time and I’m here to show you how you actually CAN eat out and still lose weight!

It’s totally possible and you’re not a failure if you order Uber Eats or go out for dinner with your friends.

In fact, could it be beneficial for your weight loss to eat out and grab takeaway? Yep!

In this episode on Body Bites With Bec, I chat about:

  • How often it is recommended to eat out or order takeaway per week to lose weight

  • Why it’s beneficial to eat MORE on 1 or 2 days of the week

  • How to make the right choices at restaurants to not go OTT and what foods to avoid

And more!

Links mentioned and more resources related to this topic

And be sure to be following me on instagram here!

Want to remove all the guesswork and learn how to eat for 70-80% of the week to allow room for these indulgent times out and STILL lose weight?

My 3 Week Body Reset shows you exactly how!


#11: How Kate Lost 10 Kgs by Ditching the Veggie Sticks, Eating MORE and Exercising LESS!


#9: Do You *Really* Have to Meal Prep for Success?