#155: Stagnant in your weight loss, career, relationship? You may be missing this vital thing...


Want that thing SO badly, but feel stagnant and like you're not seeing the results you'd like?

You might not be doing this vital thing...

I personally do it every single week (sometimes far more than that) and I swear by it.

It's a necessity if you want to propel forward in life and reach any goal instead of staying stuck where you are.



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In this episode, I'm going to be talking to those of you who feel stagnant. Maybe you are stuck in a bit of a rut and you don't really know how to get out of it, or maybe you are continually trying to reach that goal, whether it be weight loss or a career goal (or any other goal in your life), but you can't seem to get past a plateau and you feel like things are stagnant. You don't really know why it's happening, what to do, and it's making you feel just a bit down on yourself?

If this is you, I'm going to be giving you one very effective, very simple thing that you might be missing that makes such a big difference, if you are really looking to continually grow in any area of your life instead of staying stuck at the same point and not knowing how to move forward. 

This is something that I have been doing in my life every single day (maybe not every day), but every single week, at least once a week for the last 8 years as I have grown this business. It's also something that I've been doing every week for the last 10 years, as I've found my own personal balance with my health and my weight balance and finding what works for me, so I can continually grow and feel better and better every day.

I'm really hoping this is going to help you because if this is missing in your life, it is very easy to stay stagnant. Now, what is it? I say to do it weekly, but you can absolutely do this daily - constant reflection! 

If you are doing something over and over again and you're not seeing results, if you keep going through your weeks and doing the same thing, you can't expect new results. From doing the same thing, you have to try something new. Maybe that new thing won't work and if it doesn't, then it's just a lesson. It's like - “Okay, that doesn't work for me!”, but maybe it does and then you are one step closer to reaching that goal but before making changes, you have to look back …

When I was trying to figure out the answers to my gut issues and my easy weight gain and why I was finding it so hard to lose weight for 3 or 4 years, I was reflecting every single week. An example of this would be - Okay, I'm super bloated this week, what was I eating last week that was making me bloated and should I try cutting something out this week to see if that helps? 

This is what I encourage women to do in the 3 Week Body Reset. There's a whole section inside to help you pinpoint your gut issues too. If it's weight - Okay, I feel like I've gained a bit of weight, what was I doing last week? Was I on holiday? Maybe I had 2 glasses of wine every night instead of 1? Maybe I didn't actually move my body that much compared to the last holiday I went on? I actually did more exercise that holiday and this holiday, I did none.

Your health is actually an ever-growing thing to find your balance and I'm still doing that. A lot of weeks, I feel like I've really found my balance, but it took 2 to 3 years of constant weekly reflection to go - Okay, what was working last week? What wasn't working last week? How can I make 1 or 2 changes this following week to see if it gets me closer to where I want to be? I'm doing this all the time in business too. I'm doing this all the time also in my goal to live a very balanced, fulfilling and happy life.

If there's a week where I feel like I'm too overwhelmed and it affects my sleep and I feel like crap on the weekend because of it, I'll always look back at my week and think - Okay, it was because I committed to too much. I said yes to too many things and now it's assigned to me. Say more no's next week!

This has really helped me grow my business and not only grow my business, find freedom and happiness in my business every week as I continue to grow my dream which is to help as many of you as I can. I'm constantly keeping myself in check because it's not a successful life to me unless I feel balanced and happy with time for rest, joy and play.

I truly believe it's really about looking inside yourself and taking accountability for your own actions. It's not good enough to just say - “I'm not seeing results” and not do anything about it, not looking back at your past habits and making little changes because that's what we should all be doing if we want to grow in any area of our lives. 

If you do something that puts you 1, 2 or 3 steps backwards, always think of that as the best positive. I've really done that and this takes time to develop that belief in that pathway in your brain but any mistake and setback is actually a lesson and it helps you grow.

People think that successful people or the people that achieve things, the people that get really fit bodies or the people that grow big businesses, it's all about wins but it's not! It could not be further from the truth. The people that achieve big things, make mistakes.

They fail, but what they do is they use that failure, they use that mistake as an opportunity to learn and then try to not make that mistake again in the future and try something new to overcome it. Once you really understand that, it will help you get out of that stagnant state because you have to try new things, if you want to become a better person.

Now, if we're talking about weight loss … if you're at a weight loss plateau and you don't know what's going on, maybe you're a bit scared to try something new? As an example, some people are stagnant in their weight loss journeys because they've been under-eating for months and maybe not weight training. One thing to help with that is actually upping your calories a bit, making sure you're meeting your protein needs and increasing your weight training.

Are you going to see weight loss instantly? No. This might take a couple of months to reset your metabolism and see results. Is that scary to people? Yes, absolutely! If you're used to eating in a calorie deficit for so long, increasing your calories is scary. Any change is scary and maybe it will work for you, maybe it won't but at least you won't be stagnant anymore. 

If it's business or relationships and you're really scared to take a risk, just always tell yourself - I could either stay in this same position or I can make a change. Maybe it will work & maybe it won't, but trust me, it is far better than staying where you are right now because you'll either get the thing that you want and it will work or you won't and you'll learn a valuable lesson from it. I have always lived by my favorite quote…

This has been my favorite quote for about 8 years now since I started my business - “It's always better to have an oops than a what if” and this applies to so many areas of your life. I truly believe that it feels so much better to try something and fail than to not try at all.

Oh and I haven't even mentioned this - you need to make sure in your calendar, in your days, in your weeks that you have time for this reflection.

Do you have to sit down, take an hour, get pen and paper out? You can if you want but I've always just done this in my head because I make sure I have time for myself every single day and every single week and it’s in the times that you slow down by yourself that you can actually have this self-reflection and this chat with yourself.

If you are booked out every single hour of the day, you're always with people, you're always with your kids, you're always at work, you're always doing stuff, that is going to keep you stagnant as well. When you're always running around like that, with adrenaline going through your body all the time, you need to slow down. You need to go for walks in nature, on the treadmill, take a bath, drive alone whilst just listening to music (or nothing, instead of a podcast).

Try not to multitask and try to have some wind down time by yourself once a day if you can, if not, at least once or twice a week. Maybe you can carve out some time over the weekend and this is where it can come to you? You might find it easier to go - Okay, I've got an hour, I'm going to sit down with a pen and paper and dedicate the time to that.

That's a great place to start or you could do what I do and just try to naturally build it into your weeks and think of it as a time to you that you prioritise and that is where you will find your answers. That is where you will realise what you're doing wrong and make changes for the week after. 

I need to remind you that no change is easy. Maybe it feels comfortable to keep doing what you're doing because the change that you want to make feels different to what you do and anything that feels different to what you're normally doing, your brain doesn't like it. It's not comfortable, but if you want to achieve new things and get to new places with your health, your business, your relationships, you have to take risks. You don't know what's going to happen, but unless you try new things, you don't know what is going to work for you and without trying, you will never know, you'll never grow and you'll never get there.

I hope this inspires you to really think about if you actually do have those times to be alone? Make sure you've got those times in your calendar as an important meeting to yourself and we should all have that anyway because when you are booked out every single minute of the day and you never stop, that means you're leading a very high stress life. It has been proven over and over again that stress is the number 1 cause of so many different health conditions and it's only going to lead to burnout.

Then you'll be forced to take a rest when you're not ready for it, but if you schedule a little bit more rest into your life, that will actually prevent you from getting burnout, prevent you from getting sick and improve the rest of your health too.

So, step 1. is to look at that and step 2. is to have these daily or weekly chats with yourself where you look back on the day before or the week before. What did work? What didn't work? What should I keep repeating that is working or what should I change even if it feels uncomfortable? Try next week to see if it helps you get further to where you want to be.

The people that grow and achieve things, do this. They know that they have to look back and make changes and make changes that feel uncomfortable and they know that failure is all a part of it.

The people that stay stagnant don't do this self-growth work, they just stay comfortable. They keep doing the same things, they make excuses and they don't make many changes in their lives because it feels hard. I am honestly doing this every single day. I couldn't believe in anything more. None of us are ever at a point where we've just absolutely found full  balance, happiness, health, all of it.

Your life is changing every single day. We are always open to growth, so that's why I'm doing it every single day. 

If you think of someone that would benefit from this episode, please share it with them. If you enjoyed this episode, it would mean the world to me if you could spread the word by taking a screenshot of this episode, share it on your Instagram stories and tag me at @health_with_bec. I'm sharing so much inspiration and motivation to really help people live healthy lives. You can find out all about the 3 Week Body Reset & Health With Bec Tribe here. You can also download my free eBook - 4x 15 minute dinners

I hope this helps you get out of that rut and continue to grow and achieve the things that you want, because you absolutely deserve them and you absolutely can get them.

Anything is possible for you! 


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