#159: 3 super effective daily actions to boost your motivation and reach that goal!


Another huge dose of mindset and motivation in this episode for you!

Because… without the mindset, the actions that you need to take consistently to get you to where you want to be is pretty damn hard.

Mindset first, actions second.

This episode brings you 3 of my most effective, actionable things that you can do to train your brain to take those daily steps far more easily so that you can reach that goal.


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This episode is another mindset, motivational one because I know how it feels to know all the things, hear all the things and know what to do when you're trying to achieve any goal in life, including weight loss and increasing your fitness and becoming the healthiest version of yourself. I know how it feels to know all the stuff, but unless you have the right mindset tools that you are practicing every single day (or at least 80% of the time), it's really hard to actually do those things that you should be doing and want to do. 

This podcast is for those who really want to achieve a goal. For a lot of you, it will be a weight loss or health goal, but this relates to any other goal in life, if you are trying to achieve something and you can't get the balls rolling, you can't stay consistent or you can't get motivated at all. 

It’s for those that know what they want and maybe they go hard at it for a week or two, then they completely fall off track and don't get back on track for another month or maybe you can only stay on track with your healthy habits and the things that you know that you need to do for a couple of days at a time. This podcast is for you so that you can actually do those things consistently because achieving a goal (and reaching new levels as you reach those goals and continue to become that person you want), always requires dedication and consistency. 

You can't achieve anything by just doing something for a day, giving up for a week, then trying again for a day and giving up for a week. You really have to do constant things over and over again - small steps every day because they're the things that truly add up and to do that, like I just said before, it takes a lot of self-motivation, self-talk and positive talk. 

The more that you practice this motivation and this self-talk, the more it actually becomes easy because the more you repeat it, the more consistent you are and the more you actually embody that person, they become ingrained habits. Whenever you're starting to make a change, it will feel a lot harder but then it gets easier because it becomes more of a habit. 

I've definitely found that myself with exercise and healthy eating. It's a no-brainer to me now because I've been doing it for so long and I know how good it makes me feel but at the start, I had one of those journeys where I'd be a little bit off/ on - I'd be strict for a week, maybe over exercise and then completely give up over the weekend or maybe for a week or two at a time (if we're talking about fitness). 

There are so many episodes that I have around this topic because I know how important mindset is, but in each one I've always got new things to share. In this podcast, I'm going to be talking about 3 really effective things that you can do on a daily basis that are going to make a massive difference to your day and your week to help you stick to those healthy habits, so that you can achieve those goals, become the person that you want to be and you can get to that level that you keep telling yourself that you want to get to or that you keep seeing other people aspire to and have. Let's get straight into it …

Tip #1: Think Of The Future Person That You Want To Be

That future person is going to be different for everyone, but let's talk about health and fitness - that future person that is full of energy, that goes to the gym 4 or 5 times a week (or perhaps exercises every single day), that feeds themselves healthy food all the time, that has a fit, strong and healthy body …

Always think of that future person and don't think - oh, I'm not her yet! 

Imagine you're that person right now because to get to that point, that person has had to do things every single day to get there. So think about that person where they are and what they're doing on a consistent daily basis to be there. Are they exercising every morning? Are they planning their meals on the weekends so they're eating healthy throughout the week? Are they going to bed at a certain time and waking up at a certain time because they're focusing on their sleep & mental health? What is that person doing that's reached that goal? 

Any time you are faced with the decision to choose the easier or the more enjoyable route (eg. staying in bed longer, bingeing Netflix or scrolling on social media), especially if it’s in the morning, the middle of the day or 4 o'clock in the afternoon when you could be exercising or could be preparing a healthy dinner - if you're faced with a decision to do the easier thing, be lazy and do an activity that isn't healthy for you, think of the alternative and maybe you do go for a walk, go to the gym, book a Pilates class or cook yourself a healthy dinner? 

Think about that future version of yourself, what would they choose to do in that moment? 

Let's use fitness and health - what would the fit version of you do in this moment today (or someone that you aspire to be that has what you want)? 

Practice this as much as you possibly can and always talk to yourself and say, - what would future me do in this situation?

Say you're trying to grow a massive business and have a really successful business where you're making a lot of money, traveling and you've got a great life - what would that person be doing in this moment today? Would they keep scrolling on social media and being lazy on the couch or would they be taking small steps forward to make that next step (eg. hire a team member or do whatever it is to grow a business). What would they be doing? Would they be laying around all day? 

There's so many things that it takes to grow a business or increase your fitness. What would that person be doing? If you're training for a marathon or you want to be an athlete, you've got to think like an athlete. So what would an athlete be doing today, tomorrow or over the weekend? The more you start thinking like this and being that person already, the more likely it's going to come true because you are going to do the small steps that it takes to get there. 

Now you're not going to get this right all the time and you don't have to get this right all the time. I've had big goals my whole life. I love to feel fit and healthy. I love to grow my business but I'm also into the 80/ 20 rule and I love relaxing and enjoying life at the same time. 

So when making the decisions that the person that you want to be would make, ensure you're also including time for joy and relaxation because joy, relaxation, play, rest and good sleep is equally as important as the hustle, the fitness, the eating healthy and making all those little other decisions. That's really important to say! What does that person do and tell yourself that you are that person and that will help to snap you out of the unhealthy choices more than it would if you didn't have this mindset.

What would that future person do (either her or him) now? That's going to help with those decisions. 

I really believe that the way you are today, is a reflection of how you were yesterday!

As an example, let's say you want to go to the gym and exercise … have you set yourself up the day before? Have you perhaps scheduled that Pilates class in or made sure your calendar is free for that exercise class or that run or walk? Even more importantly, have you structured your night (the night before) so that you have a very restful sleep and can wake up, feel motivated and have energy to go to the gym or to go to that Pilates class?

What are you doing the night before? Are you having 6 glasses of wine? I’m not perfect at all either. I’m literally recording this on a Tuesday and last night I had 3 glasses of red wine. I rarely do that and do you know why I don't do that? It affects my next day so much! I didn't have the energy to go to Pilates this morning. I've had to have 2 coffees instead of 1 this morning, but I don't like doing that. 

I love my morning exercise and normal Bec really does prioritise her Monday to Friday work week to focus on my fitness and my brain for work. That's what really drives me and stops me doing certain things the night before. It helps me prioritise that 10pm bedtime and have 1 drink max. or zero alcohol through the week. It helps me wake up and feel the best that I possibly can in my body and mind, so that I can easily do the steps that it takes to grow this business and stay fit and healthy because it's not easy!  

When I’m feeling tired like I am today (from 3 wines last night which meant I didn’t sleep well), yes, I'm still doing all of my business tasks today (it's a massive day for me) but it feels a lot harder and it would have been so much easier if I was a bit more savvy like I normally am on a Monday night. 

So, look at your night before as much as you possibly can and think about what that future version of yourself would do because that is you now! Start acting like that now so that you can get there. 

Tip #2: Show Yourself What’s Possible

Second tip is quite similar to the first (it goes hand in hand) but in order to do the things and think the way that the future version of yourself wants to think and behave - one of the best ways is to show yourself what’s possible. 

Quite often, we don't know what's possible for us. A lot of people think - oh, I'm just going to be like this forever. It's so hard for me to lose weight. I'm going to be lazy forever. It's too hard. I'm too busy. It's not possible for me

There's so many people (including me) like this. I thought it would be impossible to help thousands and thousands of women with my business, buy this dream home and go on beautiful holidays. I did not think that this was possible for me about 3 or 4 years ago. 

So how do you help yourself get inspired and actually see what's possible for you? You learn off others. 

Who are you hanging around? You are a reflection of the 5 people that you speak to the most!

Do your friends (or the people that you're talking to the most) have similar goals to you or are they super lazy? If they are, that's okay - you can still have them as friends, but really try your best to develop new business relationships or friendships. If you're trying to grow a business, are the people you’re hanging around with driven, have they achieved really big things or are they one step ahead of you because that shows you what is possible?

If you want to increase your fitness and become healthy, are your friends like that too? Do you have some friends that are really fit, train for marathons or eat healthy every day? Start to surround yourself with these people or embed yourself in communities like the 3 Week Body Reset or the Health with Bec Tribe, which are my programs, so that you can see other people doing it because if other people are doing it, then you can too. 

One of the biggest things that helps me and continues to help me every single day is following the right people on social media. I've said this a few times in podcasts, but I'm going to say it again - it is inevitable that so many of us scroll on Instagram or Tik Tok. I actually don't use Tik Tok but I use Instagram for work and of courseI'm human, so I'll scroll as well, but I make sure that I follow people that really inspire me. 

It's rare that my feed will show a funny meme or pointless video. Most of my feed is women that are extremely fit and healthy (I'm starting to get into women that are growing lots of muscle and doing lots of weight training) and that inspires me to continue to keep up my strength training because I can see what's possible for them. 

My feed is business stuff, women and some men (but mainly women) that have created big empires for themselves and are helping people around the world, traveling, doing cool things and living a really exciting life, which I wouldn't think would be possible for myself a few years ago but it is definitely feeling like it's come true now. 

I truly have become inspired by Instagram in that way and I swear podcasts help too. If you want to see more people like that in your feed, make sure that when you see something from them, follow them first and try to like their posts or save their posts because the more you do that, the more they're going to come up in your feed. 

Instagram's very smart in that way. If you see something that you don't like, that doesn't align with your values or triggers you, you can just click the top 3 dots in the top right-hand corner of that post and click ‘not interested’. Then the algorithm is going to show you less of that person, but in turn, actually less of that entire topic. You can narrow down your feed on Instagram so that you're only following people that inspire you and I recommend following people that are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 steps ahead of you, that have what you want. 

The reason that's good is because you can then stalk them on a daily basis. There's so many people that share their morning routines, what they eat, going to the gym and relaxing with family. What are they doing? How are they organising their day? You can find out so many things from people, if you watch them over a certain period of time. 

If you do that, along with your own visualisations (like I said in Tip #1), then what happens is you start to adapt their habits, their routine and what they do, because obviously what they're doing is working for them, so you can try that too and move forward so that you reach those goals.  

Tip #3: Train Your Brain

This is a fun and very practical one as well, which you can do now! It sounds silly, but it's effective. 

For the first 5 years of my business, I binged business and mindset podcasts, because I've had to teach myself everything as a solo entrepreneur. There is so much I've had to learn about marketing, growing a business, selling, how to help women get better results, how to communicate and train a team. So many things! 

I’ve had to learn so much mindset work to keep me motivated and to get me through the challenging times, so I don't throw in the towel and give up when it gets hard. I've had to learn so much so that I can keep taking those steps to grow my business and build a dream life for myself, where I'm helping thousands and thousands of women around the world whilst keeping myself happy at the same time.  

I've been bingeing podcasts for years and I would always listen to top experts in the field who have achieved incredible things, share incredible tips and that is how I've learnt so much. There was one expert though (I can’t remember who it was) who said -

If you're struggling to follow through with what you should be doing and want to do, you can actually make that easier on yourself by training your brain every day to follow through with decisions that you tell yourself in tiny ways, because your brain is smart and it can learn. 

If you have gone months or years making excuses for yourself. Maybe telling yourself you're going to go to the gym every day and then not going, or just telling yourself that you're going to go at 5am in the morning and you just keep sleeping through your alarm clock and don't go, you're getting used to that! 

You're getting used to making excuses (because it's so easy to make excuses) but you can change that and to change that, you start very small because going from a to z and making a huge jump through the alphabet is fricking hard, but going from a to b is easy and if you can go from a to b and take one small step and go, yes, I've done that! Your brain will be like, you did what you told yourself you were going to do and if you repeat that over and over again, it's going to be easier to get to that end point. 

As an example, if you keep telling yourself you're going to wake up at 5am and do a 12km run and you keep not doing it - 

1 .It's too much too soon

2. Do you really need to get up that early? 

3. If you haven't even built up your fitness, it's just too hard. It's too much. You've got to take things slow

So two parts to this … 

The first part is to make tiny commitments to yourself and follow through with them. It sounds silly, but what I mean by this is doing small things like saying to yourself (eithr talk to yourself in your head or out loud) - say you're eating lunch and you want to start doing the dishes more regularly so that they don't build up in your sink. Tell yourself - after I finish this lunch, I am going to wash my bowl and my fork and put it in the dishwasher. Do that then go yes, I did that! 

Then it might be another 10 minutes later - I am going to send off 3 emails. Get it done, do it! 

So have these little games with yourself throughout the day where you set yourself small tasks that you actually follow through with and if you practice this over and over again, it's going to become easier for you when you have the bigger decisions to make. 

I keep going back to the gym because that's such an easy one for people to relate to, but when you do want to get up at 5am and go for a run. Your brain will be like, yes! It's easier to make those decisions to say yes, than it is to make excuses if you practice these small things over and over again. 

So, there you have it, these are 3 of my best tips to really help you stay more consistent and motivated so that you can take the steps that you know that you need to take to get that goal and to become that person that you want to become because I promise it is so worth it. 

It is possible for you. If someone else can do it, so can you!

There's lots of different mindset tasks and tools that you need to be on top of and learn all the time, which is why I constantly bring these episodes to you. So I really hope that this has inspired you for your day ahead. I hope you will do 1 or 2 of these things, if not 3. If you're not doing anything yet, definitely do all 3.

If you enjoyed this episode, it would mean the absolute world to me if you could leave me a really quick review on Apple Podcasts

Another thing that can really help me is if you take a screenshot of this episode and share it on your Instagram story and tag me as well so that I can see it, because that can really inspire other women to find my podcast so that more women are getting help from the podcast, which is my dream and so that you guys can support me back for all the time it takes to release these weekly episodes. It does take a lot of time and effort that I do out of my week for free to purely just help and inspire you. 

As always, all of the links to my programs are in the show notes of this episode. You can also follow me on Instagram at @health_with_bec. I would love you to come over and follow me there for way more tips, mindset tips, nutrition tips behind the scenes of my life and what's going on in the business every day.


#160: Beating the after-dinner sugar cravings (snippet from my coaching call with the Tribe!)


#158: (Replay) How to indulge with balance and quit the ‘all or nothing mentality’ when you go on holidays!