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#162: 5 lifestyle choices, habits & mindsets that keep you stuck & unable to reach that goal

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Feeling stuck?

Unable to take those daily steps that you KNOW you want to take to get closer to that goal?

If so, there truly can be so many things in your day-to-day life that can hinder your growth & motivation that you may not be aware of.

The way you live out every day of your life, the choices you make, the boundaries you set, the priorities you make, your mindset… it’s all up to you.

And, they can either keep you stuck and constantly thinking “why am I not achieving what I want?”

OR propel you forward, slowly, day after day to get you to the goal you’ve set or the dreams that you have for yourself.

So, in todays episode, I’m sharing 5 lifestyle choices and mindsets that keep you stuck and HOW to flip them on their head so that you CAN feel more motivated and inspired to take aligned action and take those steps that bring you towards your goal - whether it be weight loss, fitness or your career.

Growth isn’t easy and that’s why people who have what you want don’t have it easy either.

What they DO have is commitment to tweaking their lifestyle and mindset daily to work FOR them and not against them so that they can get through the growing pains that are inevitable with change.

Lots of tough love, inspiring words of motivation & vulnerability in this episode and I hope it helps you!


The episode with Anneke: #134: From addiction to balance, Anneke's 40 kg loss and transformative journey to healing, love, fitness and happiness!

Start your weight loss, gut healing and anti-inflammatory journey now with my 3 Week Body Reset

Continue your journey and figuring out YOUR own balance in the Health with Bec Tribe

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00:00 Intro

03:39 Sharing Podcast Review Related To A Previous Inspiring Episode

07:28 New, Exciting Afterpay Announcement 

08:50 Mistake #1: You're Not Spending Some Alone Time With Yourself

14:15 Mistake #2: You’re Not Saying No And Setting Boundaries With Yourself

22:40 Mistake #3: You Are Avoiding The Hard Things

27:56 Mistake #4: You’re Winging It And Doing No Planning

32:35 Mistake #5: You’re Not Prioritising The Right Things

36:43 Wrap Up Of This Episode

37:08 The Importance Of Understanding Your Why

38:40 A Podcast Recommendation To Help You Discover Your Why 

Read This Episode:

In this episode today, I'm going to be bringing you five mistakes that you could be making. Maybe you might only be making one of them that are keeping you stuck in a rut. Now, what I mean by this is maybe you're really wanting to achieve a goal? Maybe you're wanting to eat healthier? Maybe you're wanting to get to the gym? Maybe you're wanting to grow your career? Maybe you're wanting to stop just being so lazy all the time and doing nothing and feeling unmotivated? I'm going to be really breaking down five  mistakes or five things that you could be doing in your life that may be keeping you there and obviously I'm going to be, of course, offering some solutions to these mistakes as well. 

So I love bringing you mindset podcasts like this as well as the practical ones in terms of what to do, how to eat, what exercise I suggest. I love bringing these ones to you, as a lot of you would know if you've been listening to my podcast for a while, because without getting your mindset right first and setting your life up in a way that is going to prioritise feelings of motivation and happiness as much as you can. It is really hard to do the things that are required and needed in order to  move you forward and in order to make you do those practical things like get to the gym and eat healthy. It really does start with your mind first.

I was thinking about it this morning when I was driving to Pilates because that's when I always reflect and think and come up with ideas for the podcast and work and my team and Instagram and I was thinking about how you can structure your life to either work for you or against you and there are such really small things that you could be doing that makes such a big difference to your mindset and that can really keep you in a rut and make you feel unmotivated and unable to move forward. So I'm really hoping that this podcast today helps those of you who might be stuck because you could be doing one of these things, two of these things or five of these things and if you work to slowly improve these things and change these things, then you will be far more likely to actually do those things that you really want to do, because we all deserve to feel motivated and to feel inspired to take one step closer every single day or just 80% of the time to our goals and to the person that we want to be, whether we're reaching a weight loss goal, or we want to increase our fitness, or we want to grow our business, whatever your goal is, I'm really hoping this podcast helps you.

Now, before I get into it, I really want to thank those of you who have left me a comment, rating and review lately on the podcast. I do read each and every one. They mean so much to me because it really does take a huge chunk out of my week to bring this podcast into your ears to help you for free. So to those of you who leave me feedback, thank you and I'm going to read out one of the latest reviews. 

The feedback that I get with my 3 Week Body Reset, with the Health with Bec Tribe, with things that I do on Instagram. The reviews that I see, they really inspire me to keep showing up and working hard. Without feedback, I don't really know if you are enjoying it, or if you're getting results. So they really inspire me to keep going and so when I see your reviews on the podcast, they really help. So thank you so much for those of you who take the time. It really only takes 30 seconds to do, to leave me a rating and review.

If you haven't done it yet, please pause this podcast now and go do it if you can or when you get to the end of this episode, I will remind you to do it then because it truly does mean the world to me and it helps me continue to show up for you and feel inspired. So this one is from Mrs. Anna Maria -

The title is called ‘Anneke’s Story’ and I love that she said this because there's actually a beautiful story behind Anneke’s story. She said - “Truly inspirational Anneke and loved every minute. Thank you for sharing your journey. Well done Bec on reaching so many women. Love, love your approach and recipes. I listened to your first podcast at the start of May, 2024 and now I'm up to episode 134. I really appreciate all the time, effort, and enthusiasm you put into your podcast recipes and lifelong strategies to ensure a healthy lifestyle and healthier way of living for myself and my family” Thank you so much, Mrs. Anna Maria

Now she is talking about the episode that I did with Anneke (Episode #134: From Addiction to Balance: Anneke's 40 kg Loss & Transformative Journey to Healing, Love, Fitness & Happiness) The reason I said that Anneke’s story is special is because it started years ago in terms of when she found me, but I actually met Anneke in person when I was holidaying and working in Australia in Italy last year, in Venice. I was sitting in this random restaurant that I stumbled across. I was drinking a rosé, I was doing a bit of work and then all of a sudden I hear this “Bec?” and it was Anneke who I'd never met her before. She started chatting to me and saying that she's followed me for years and that her life has changed and that she's lost so much weight and she had the most incredible journey to share with me. So I said to her - oh my god, you have to come on the podcast. So she's from Perth as well. We just happened to be in Italy on the other side of the world at the same time and bumped into each other. It was quite incredible how it happened and that was such an incredible episode about how Anneke overcame a cocaine addiction and ended up losing a whole heap of weight and turning her entire life around after she gained a lot of weight, after going through a really hard time in her life and iIt was incredible. So thank you so much for listening to that episode and Anna Maria for leaving that feedback. It really means a lot.

The other thing that I want to quickly say before I get into this podcast episode is there has been a bit of an update to my business. It sounds small, but it's taken me all day to put it into action. So if you have been thinking about joining the 3 Week Body Reset, which is Step 1. to working with me, it's my signature program. I have now introduced Afterpay. So if you are someone that loves using Afterpay or if you're someone that doesn't want to pay the whole amount upfront, it's only $149. If you prefer to pay it in installments, it means that you can now pay in four installments using Afterpay. So I just have to announce that. I'm just going to be trialing out using that for a while. I'm sure it will stay forever because I'm sure it will go really well, but I'm just trialing it for now to see if it helps more of you be able to join my programs, especially while the cost of living continues to increase, especially in Australia. 

Okay, now into the podcast episode of today, five mistakes that you could be making on a day to day basis in your lifestyle that are keeping you stuck in a rut and unable to move forward and make the changes that you know you really want to make in your life so that you can reach the goals that you want to reach. 

Mistake #1 - I've probably said this in a lot of podcast episodes, but like I always say, you need to hear things over and over again to get reminded and for it to sink in sometimes and to hear it in different ways and this is so key. I know it really is for me - you're not spending some alone time with yourself.

Maybe you're not leaving white space in your calendar. Now what I mean by this is, you're not going for walks by yourself. You're not spending some nights by yourself just having a bath and watching Netflix. Not even watching Netflix because you can't really concentrate while you're doing that but you're not spending much time alone to just sit and reflect and think.  If your calendar is full from the moment you wake up, maybe you're getting kids ready to school, you're making them breakfast, you're going to the gym, you're on phone calls, you're going to work, you're coming home, you're spending time with the kids again, or your partner, you're getting into bed, you're putting Netflix on straight away, and then you wake up and you do it all again.

If that is you, and you're not having any space at all in your day or your week to be alone, that should be really something that you could look at and try to change. I know for me personally, it is the times that I'm alone that I can really think about where I'm at, where I'm at with my goals, what I've been doing well to get me there, what I haven't been doing so well to help get me there and it's these alone times where your brain really can get into its creative zone and reflect. Honestly, you can't make change without reflecting. If you keep being go, go, go and you're feeling like you're staying stagnant and you can't make those steps that you need to make change, then you're not going to get the answers.

If you keep being in that go, go, go mode, the answers come to you when you slow down and you spend time alone, because that's when you can truly reflect and also just in those times of reflection, you can remember what your why is, what your goal is, what your purpose is and if you're taking steps to get there, but if you're just busy all the time, you don't even have time to think about that and realise if you're,  doing the right thing or the wrong thing and what you can change in your life.

If you're listening to this, I'm sure that might be you and taking that time alone, even if it's only half an hour a day to drive by yourself somewhere, or go on a walk in nature. That's incredible. When you do that is good. What is going to help you actually go - okay, why aren't I taking these steps to get me where I need to be? What do I need to change about my life to get me there? Not only that, it really centers you once again to remind you of your goals and let you think - okay, what am I doing? What can I do to improve and what can I do to change my life?

It is really those times that you're alone that you can center yourself and ground yourself, remember your why and make changes to your lifestyle so that you can actually take those steps to get you there. Look, and also I want to say this as well, we all have a different threshold of how much time we need alone, how much time we need with other people. Some of us are extroverts, some of us introverts. I'm personally a massive mix between the two. So, if I spend too much time with other people, too much time on work meetings and too much time socialising, I start to feel really funny and a bit stagnant and a bit overwhelmed. I'm sure you know the feeling, but I know that I need a certain amount of alone time in my week and in my day so that funny feeling doesn’t come up. When you're trying to reach your goals like I say all the time, you want to feel grounded and happy and motivated and inspired as much as you can, because doing the little steps that you need to do to get you to that goal are often quite hard. You need to push yourself a bit. 

So unless you're feeling happy and inspired and motivated, it's really hard to do them. So that alone time not only helps you reflect and ground yourself and work out what you need to change and what you can do better, but it also just brings you back to center and makes you feel happy and inspired again and that's what it does for me. We all have a different amount of this. I know that some other people are extreme extroverts and they actually recharge from being around other people. If that's you, maybe you want to keep socializing and keep a really busy calendar and keep that up but I still think there's so much validity to having that alone time so that you can actually think about what you can change in your life. 

So there's two parts of that - that alone time to be by yourself, that white space in your calendar really helps a lot of people If you're like me, if you've got an introverted side to you, it helps you just recharge so that you can feel centered and just like yourself again, but it also helps you reflect.

I would love you to think about and question - okay, how can I carve out more time in my day or how can I carve out more time in my week? I think it's really good to have a little pocket of time to yourself in the day, every single day. A lot of people use exercise for that. I think that is great because you're getting a double whammy of when you move your body, you're getting the endorphins and that all helps everything else flow including your mood and your mindset. Also, can you also carve out a bigger chunk in your week sometimes?

Can it be a Sunday afternoon or a few hours on a Saturday morning or a few hours on a Sunday morning or maybe Friday nights? I know this is going to be different for everyone, but a bigger chunk of time alone in the week can also really help you, especially if you're introverted.  

Mistake #2 that you could be making in your life and all of these relate to each other in a way. I'm sure you'll understand why as I go through them, but mistake number two that you could be doing in your life in terms of how you're setting your life up is - you're not saying no and setting boundaries with yourself.

If you are a people pleaser and you're saying yes to everything and you're not setting any boundaries, then you could be doing a lot of things that you don't want to be doing. You could be doing a lot of things that don't align with your goals and your values and that person that you wanna be with, those steps that you want to take and relating back to tip number one - you're probably filling your calendar up way too bloody much, so you're not having any alone time. 

So if you are not saying no and you don't have your own boundaries that you set yourself, then it's time to start thinking about saying no more and setting more boundaries.How do you even do this? How do you know what to say no to and what to say yes to? How do you know what boundaries to set? If you listen to the advice and tip number one, those answers will come to you if you carve out more alone time and the more you get clear on what your why is, and I'm going to be getting that at the end of this podcast.

Become really obsessed with your own goals, your own life, and really prioritising yourself because we all deserve to prioritise ourselves and our goals. I'm a people pleaser myself, but I equally love myself and I love my life and I want to improve my life and myself as much as I can every single day whilst caring for other people, which is in my nature and I absolutely love doing. How can you say no more and set more boundaries to become really aligned with what you want and if you get asked to do something that doesn't align with your goals or your schedule, in terms of it interferes with maybe you want to exercise every day and someone asks you to catch up for a coffee or commit to a certain work commitment and that's going to make you miss the gym, then you say no to it.

It'll be different for everyone, but It's really good to just practice starting to set boundaries and saying no to the things that aren't aligned with your own dreams and visions and goals and daily habits that you want to set yourself and start saying yes to more things that are. Obviously tip number one helps with this as well, because if you're trying to carve out some alone time, then you'll have to start saying no to create that alone time too and the things you will start saying yes to need to ensure that you still have that balance in your week where you do have that alone time and you do have the time for the things that you want to be doing. 

The mistake you could be making is maybe you're not saying no enough and you don't have any boundaries and you're just saying yes to absolutely everything. That will absolutely keep you stuck. I'll give you some examples here - If I said, yes to every single social commitment on the weekend. I would feel extremely tired on Monday. It would interfere with my motivation and my energy to work really hard on Monday, to get to the gym. It would also make me just feel really weird and depleted because, like I said earlier, I need some alone time, especially on the weekends and I would also be missing out on the things that I know I need to be doing in order to reach my goals.

If I was to say yes to every single collaboration opportunity in work … I get so many opportunities with work and I have really been practicing this for a long time now where I say no to a lot and it was really hard at the start. It really was because I only like to say yes personally to the things that I know will help my members to their best ability, my team to their best ability, my business grow and also to help my life to its best ability. I say yes to the things that I think I'm going to enjoy and yes to the things that are going to really help my business grow in a strategic way and this has taken time for me to learn and I have just said no to so many other things that are going to get in the way of my big goal which is to scale this business and help as many of you as I possibly can.

This does take time, but when you are really clear on what you want to do, who you want to be, where you want to go, the daily actions that you want to set, you really can start practicing to say no more and setting the right boundaries for yourself and if you struggle with this, if you really struggle to not say yes to everything and to set boundaries and to put yourself first and your goals first, one thing that really helps is  thinking about the person you'll become. 

If you do set those boundaries and you do say yes to the right things and no to the wrong things, the only thing that's going to happen is you are going to become a better person because you're going to be getting closer to that goal that you want to be. You'll be a more grounded, happy person as you achieve those goals and in turn, the people around you if you're a people pleaser like I am, and I was in the past, but I've totally overcome a lot of it. It only means that you're actually going to be a better person for those people. So if you are someone that does absolutely every single thing, every single minute for your kids, and you never take a moment to yourself and you say yes to everything, you set no boundaries and you do everything for them, then you might end up putting your own goals aside, your own health aside, your own whatever it is aside and then What kind of mum will that be? 

When you start putting yourself first, not completely first, of course you've got to keep other people in mind, but you start carving out a little bit of time and putting yourself first more, then you will actually be a way better, happier and great mum for your kids. I say the exact same thing about work and this has taken years to practice for me as well, but when I say no more and yes more to the right things, that really protects my alone time, my happiness, my peace and my ability for my business to scale, then I am a better person for my team members and for everyone that joins my programs that I help and for my friends, my partner, my family and everyone in my life.

So using that mindset switch is something that's going to really help you if you're someone that says absolutely yes to everything and doesn't have any boundaries.  

Mistake #3 - you are avoiding the hard things. So this is a reminder. If you are someone that's stuck, and you are in a rut and you feel like you are not where you want to be, you're not achieving your goals, you think that everyone else has it easy, they're all doing so well, why can't you get there? Why ain't I there yet? Why haven't I got this? Look, the first thing I want to say is, good things take time so please be patient. Nothing happens overnight and we all have different timelines, so it's never good to compare yourself to anyone else. 

If you are feeling like you could be avoiding the hard things, it's always good to remind you that no change is easy. So taking small steps on as many days as you can to get you to whatever goal it is that you want in life isn't easy because no change is easy. It is going to feel uncomfortable and until you've realised that growth only comes from feeling uncomfortable, then you will always stay stuck forever. So maybe you're stuck because you're avoiding the hard things. You're enjoying feeling comfortable. Your brain really loves to feel comfortable. It doesn't like to take risks. 

That is why so many people are addicted to sugar and love eating bad food or bingeing Netflix. It's really easy. It's really comfortable, but the people that are really fit and really healthy or grow massive businesses or have a really successful relationships. All of these people have had to do hard things to get there. So maybe you're avoiding the hard things? If this is you, I really just want to be your voice, to remind you that change isn't easy snd if you do want to achieve big things, you do have to push yourself most days. 

For instance, there's been so many days where I've reflected in the last week and I've thought - oh my god,I can't be f*cked doing this work task or I'm too tired to do this. I've got a Europe trip coming up in three weeks and all I want to do is just buy clothes for that or book restaurants and get distracted or say yes to my friend that's asked me to go for a drive or a coffee in work hours and there's so many moments in my life through the week, Monday to Friday, where I don't feel like working, even though I absolutely love my job. There's so many moments where I don't feel like it. There's so many moments where I could be doing something else that's way more fun online. Like I just said, like organising a Europe trip.

There's also moments where friends will ask me to catch up and I'll really have to say no, and I'll push myself to do the work tasks that I know I have to do, because 1. I have to do it obviously to maintain the business but 2. I'm really trying to do things at the moment and I'm doing it every day that not only keep me here where I am in business, but that helped me grow and scale and so to do those things, it’s hard. 

A lot of the time when I'm trying new things and building new things (I'm building an app at the moment, which I'll start to talk about a bit more when it gets closer to launch) but there are things that feel big, like big projects. There are also things that I'm like, this is new, this feels hard, I can't be bothered because the project is so big it feels far away and it would be so much easier to say yes to that friend catch up or to just stop and research things online or to just go and watch Netflix but I tell myself all the time that growth isn't easy and I really just push myself through those moments because unless I stay determined, I wouldn't grow and I wouldn't have grown the business to where it is now, eight years on where I'm helping thousands and thousands of women a day. 

It's been made up of days and days on end of lots of inspired, exciting work but equally, if not more, work that feels hard that I have to push myself to do because I'm sure like any other human in the world a lot of us would love to just be laying at the beach and watching TV and catching up with friends all day and having coffee, right? So you've got to push yourself to do these things. Maybe you're someone who has forgotten that the hard things are actually the things that are going to help, that are going help you grow. So the solution to that is just do the hard things, right? I guess the solution to that is to just change your mindset and push yourself to do those hard things, otherwise, you will stay stuck where you are now if you just keep staying comfortable in your life. 

Mistake #4 - you're winging it every day and doing no planning. So this relates to fitness, health, weight loss, business, any area of your life. If you're just waking up in the morning and you don't have a plan, it's really hard to take the steps that you need to take to get you where you need to be. This relates to tip number three, because unless you write those hard things down that you know that you need to do, you'll just avoid them. You won't even think about them because they feel too hard but if they're written down, then you will more likely do them. 

Now also when you don't plan, it just makes you feel overwhelmed and you sometimes end up doing nothing. So if we're talking about weight loss here and improving your health and improving your fitness, I think every single woman that I've spoken to which has been so many now over the years, that has lost weight successfully with me - they've all said that I've lost weight by planning on the weekend, just carving out an hour or two of time to do their shopping for the week, making sure they know what they're having for the week and having a meal plan. That is the key to their success. So are you doing any planning or are you just winging your days?

I know for me, if I'm thinking about my health, my eating is quite second nature to me because I've been eating how I teach for about ten years now. I've been teaching it for eight years, but I've been eating it for about ten or eleven years, so I don't really need to plan my meals and things like that but with my exercise, I absolutely schedule a few pilates classes in and I always have a regular exercise time every morning. It's anywhere between eight and ten and that is blocked out in my calendar, which is definitely a version of planning. I don't just wing it and wake up and think - will I exercise today? If I don't know when, it just won't happen. 

Like tip number three, it’s not that enjoyable sometimes to exercise. You've got to push yourself. So when it's planned and it's scheduled and it's in there, it'll be more likely to happen. In the morning, I also always look over my to-do list and refine it to a few things so that I know what I'm doing and then at the end of the day, I re-look at it again. I see what I haven't done, because it's always a never-ending to do list and then I move things to the next day and I shuffle things around. I also like to do a very rough plan at the end of the day on a Friday, or if I miss that, I do it on a Saturday or Sunday just to roughly plan my work of week as well, so that it's in there, it's written down and it's planned. I refine it every night through the week and then I re-look at it and refine it every morning. So are you making a bit of a plan for yourself or are you winging it? If you're just winging it, it's going to be really hard to feel motivated to make the changes that you need to make because you'll just feel overwhelmed and you haven't planned it so it won't happen. 

So going back to mistake number three which is you won't do it because it's hard.So unless it's written down, you'll end up just filling your day and making your day busy with all the things that are more comfortable and you won't do the things that you know that you need to do. Not only that, but if you don't have a rough plan about what you want to do on a daily basis and a weekly basis in terms of whatever it is when you're reaching a goal,then it does cause a lot of overwhelm as well. When you feel overwhelmed and stressed because you haven't got a bit of a plan for the day or the week, then that really does keep you in a rut too because it can make you feel stressed, it can make you feel anxious and you can never think clearly when you're in that state either.

You want to feel as clear headed and as inspired as you can to get out of a rut and planning really does help with this. That's one of the reasons why a lot of women get so much success on my programs, because I give them meal plans to follow every week. Of course they are adaptable to their own lives and I really instruct women on how to do that, of course, but it means that the plan is done for them. They have that structure. They take a bit of time on the weekend to do their shop and it's done and that's why so many women on my programs get success because the planning is done for them and then I really teach them how when they stop following my exact meal plans and meal plan themselves and implement that in their lives so that it's a daily habit. 

Mistake #5 is - you're not prioritising the right things. Now, this is like number two when I was talking about, maybe you're not saying no enough and you're not setting boundaries, but it's a bit different. So when you're saying yes to everything you might not be prioritising anything at all because you're just saying yes to everything, right? You could be saying yes to a walk, you could be saying yes to a piece of chocolate, you could be saying yes to a party, you could be saying yes to going to the movies, you could be saying yes to anything. When you're not prioritising the right things, that is going to keep you stuck too. 

The right thing is going to be different for absolutely everyone but if you feel like you're staying really stuck at the moment and you're not making any progress towards your goals and you're in a rut, then you're maybe you're not prioritising the right things at the moment. Now an example of this is - are you someone that wants to improve your fitness, lose weight, grow your business, whatever it is, but you aren't  prioritising rest? Maybe you're saying yes to too many parties or maybe you're drinking more alcohol than your body needs so it's not making you feel optimal the next day. When you're not prioritising the right things in your life that are going to help you get you towards your goals, then that can absolutely keep you stuck. When you do prioritise rest, you will wake up feeling rested the next day, which then in turn makes you feel more inspired and more motivated to make the changes that you want to make - to get to the gym, to grow your business and to do those hard things. When you don't party so much and you're not drinking heaps of alcohol, you're also going to feel way better and clear headed and motivated to do those hard things.

So are you prioritising things in your life that are making you feel rested, healthy, calm and clear headed or are you saying yes to too many things that actually aren't aligning with those things that are making you feel exhausted, burnt out, hung over, and tired all the time? If you're feeling like that, then it is going to be really hard to reach your goals. The solution here is to really look at your life and look at the choices that you're making at the moment and are you actually prioritising the things in your life that are going to be bringing you closer to your goal? If you're not, then you won't get there and life is all about setting the right priorities because we are all so busy with work, with family, with social commitments and it's all a juggling act. You do really have to sit down and set priorities and make sure that you're prioritising the right things that are going to help you get to where you need to be. So make sure you set those priorities and set those boundaries, which is like tip number two. 

To wrap this podcast up, I'll go through again the mistakes that you could be making in your life - 

Maybe you're not spending enough time alone?

Maybe you're not saying no enough and you're not setting the right boundaries?

Maybe you're avoiding the hard things and you just need to have a talk to yourself to actually do those hard things?

Maybe you're winging it every day and you're not planning or you're not prioritizing the right things and it's time to actually really set those priorities?

Now you can't even do any of those things unless you actually deeply understand what your why is. So let's say you want to lose weight. Do you just want to lose weight or can you dig deeper? Do you actually want to extend your life expectancy to be around for your kids for longer or do you actually want to lose weight, get stronger and fitter so you can run around and play with your kids more? If it's work, do you really want to grow your business and make more money or is it about actually creating a life for yourself where you feel happy and free and you can travel which makes you happy like it is with me? What is your deeper why for doing what you're doing?

When you know that and you constantly remind yourself of that, it is going to make all of those things that I've talked about in this podcast a lot easier to do because going back to the tip number three where I spoke about doing the hard things, you will absolutely get yourself through those hard times and push yourself to do those things that you need to do to get you there, if you keep focusing on your bigger why.

Why do you want to grow? Why do you want to make change? Why do you want to lose weight? What's your deeper why? Then, you’ll more likely be able to push yourself through those hard times and the hard little things that you need to do to get you there. Now I've got such a great episode to really help you guys figure out your why, so definitely go and have a listen to that if you're struggling to think about what your why even is. Why are you actually wanting to lose weight? Why are you actually wanting to grow your business? Why are you actually trying to make more money? (Episode #13: Why Motivation is NOT What You're Looking For. It's This …)

Whatever it is that you're thinking that you want in life, it's really important and really useful to actually dig deeper and figure out what the bigger why is so that you can figure out your purpose and then that is going to help you get out of this rut and this feeling of feeling stuck and feel more inspired. To do the steps that you need to do to get you there. 

I really hope this podcast helps you look at your life and maybe not all of those things you need to do, but maybe there was one of those points that resonated with you. Maybe there's two, maybe there's three? Is there something that you can do to your lifestyle to tweak and change it after listening to this podcast so that you can feel more inspired and aligned and happy and able to take those steps that you need to take to get you to where you want to be. 

If you did, please leave me a rating and review on Apple Podcasts. It would honestly mean the absolute world to me, please let me know if you enjoyed it. It would mean a lot to me. Also if you enjoyed it, another way to spread the word and to other women to listen to it and find my podcast and get helped by me is to take a screenshot of this episode and share on your Instagram story and tag me health_with_bec. If you're not following me on Instagram, I'm always sharing lots of motivational tips and behind the scenes and food and exercise tips and all things health and weight loss related on there.