#18: My Skin Transformation and Excess Oestrogen Journey, Despite Thinking I Was “Doing it All”

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Unfortunately, like many women, I’ve always been prone to acne. My skins never been perfect. However, in November 2020 I was beginning to see it get worse.

This went hand in hand with a few other symptoms that were unusual for me, including…

  • Far more fluid retention

  • Mood swings before period

  • A huge decrease in energy

Something wasn’t right.

I HAD to get help to find out what was going on - both externally on my skin, and internally with my body. So, I did a Dutch test and worked with Hayley from Solctice Skin to get to the bottom of it, and, it’s safe to say that in 4 months my skin is definitely improving. It’s not perfect, but it is SO MUCH BETTER.

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So, how did a girl who was doing everything right even get to this point? I was eating clean, avoiding dairy and gluten, eating heaps of vegetables, managing my stress… It felt so unfair.

I now know what I was doing wrong. What I was missing… And how I ended up with excess oestrogen and far more pimples than I have ever had in my life.
And, I can’t wait to share some of my journey with you here in the hopes that it will help you too.

In this episode, I chat with Hayley, qualified Corneotherapist and Naturopath, who really delves into the common mistakes women make when it comes to skincare and how you too can make some simple changes like I have.

Ready to listen?

Links mentioned:

Be sure to be following me on instagram here!

Follow Solstice Skin on instagram here

Head to Solstice Skin here

The Zazen water filter can be found here

We also chatted about these cleaning products! Koh, Ecostore and Koala!

Hayley agrees with me, that a gluten and dairy free diet, full on anti-inflammatory foods are a must when it comes to healthy skin and healing acne. If you would like to get on board with a plan exactly like this, please explore my ebooks!


#19: Where that hanger *REALLY* comes from


#17: 5 Easy Steps to Get Back on Track After Easter - Quick STAT