#180: Chronic Stress & Burnouts Link To Tummy Fat & Halted Goals. It's Time To Step Up the Self Care


Could chronic, ongoing stress and being 'go-go-go' all the time be holding you back from losing weight, especially around your stomach area?


Also, when you let this go on, adrenal fatigue and burnout could be around the corner, and this is a seriously undesriable state to be in if you're serious about reaching any goal in life, including maintaining healthy relationships, career milestones, fitness goals and so on. As they say, you can't pour from an empty cup!

In this episode, I unpack:

-The stress hormone, cortisol and it's role in the body

-The link between ongoing stress and adrenal fatigue

-The symptoms of adrenal fatigue and burnout, do you have it? 

-How cortisol can lead to weight gain, especially around the abdomen and why

-The link between self care and stress levels

-How I personally structure my life and set the RIGHT boundaries to help manage stress

-How I cleverly add in self care activities throughout my busy days and how you can too

-Recent self care additions in my life that I'm loving

-A sleep tip that's helping me at the moment

-Tips & ideas to reduce your cortisol levels and prevent adrenal fatigue

-How you can slowly change your mindset to favour self care and being 'selfish' more to in turn, lower your stress levels and reach your goals

-The self love challenge that's happening inside the Health with Bec Tribe!

Links mentioned:

Activations app: Click HERE

The ice roller that I use: Click HERE

Download my FREE eBook with 4 15 minute meals: Click HERE

Start your weight loss, gut healing and anti-inflammatory journey now with my 3 Week Body  Reset 

Continue your journey and figuring out YOUR own balance in the Health with Bec Tribe

Click HERE for all of my favourite, most used products that I’ve been talking about in recent episodes!

Follow me on instagram: @health_with_bec

Visit my website: Click HERE


#181: The Link Between Gut Health, Fibre & Weight Loss. My Best Secrets To Up Your Fibre!


#179: Fix Your Gut, Fix Your Health with Dr. B, Award-Winning Gastroenterologist