#71: Mum of 3 Loses 8 kgs in 3 weeks, Then a Further 7 and Keeps it Off for a Year!


Are you a busy mumma or woman who has tried it ALL and are sick of doing restrictive diets that leave you starving and never bring long term progress?

Annabel, mum of 3, school teacher in New Zealand was the same. She had done all the fads in the past and was sick of it.

Nothing was sustainable and she was feeling extremely uncomfortable in her skin - after gaining approximately 17-20 kgs collectively over her 5 years of having 3 children. 

But then she found me and tried the 3 Week Body Reset…

“I could never have dreamed that I would be where I am weight wise today - 15 kgs down.

I feel so empowered that I now have the tools to work with and have made it just part of my life, not a diet I occasionally do when I need to. I have become happier in myself and feel more confident when I am dressing, just things fit.”

Annabel wanted to share her journey with you!

Ready to listen to this inspirational story?

If Annabel can do it, so can you!


Ready to start your journey with the 3 Week Body Reset and feel like Annabel too?


Done the 3 Week Body Reset and want to continue your weight loss journey to form LONG TERM results?


More resources related to this topic

9 Scientifically Proven Benefits of Low Carb Diets


7 Simple and Common Low Carb Mistakes That Sabotage Your Success


#72: 6 Tips to Prevent Winter Weight Gain


70: 3 Weekly 'Musts' That Will Skyrocket You Towards That Goal