How Melissa dropped 12 kgs and finally found relief from her 5 year battle with chronic gut concerns

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Do you feel like you have tried EVERYTHING and haven’t found answers to your bloating concerns and / or weight issues?

I was there.

And, since I have healed myself through a low carb diet (or shall I say lifestyle), I am obsessed with seeking out women in the same position to help - so that they can end the confusion, pain and frustration.

Well, Melissa is one of those women.

I am blown away with her story and how well this lower carb approach has worked (and continues to work) for her.

She is now feeling confident, committed and free at least, after a 5 year long battle with debilitating gut concerns that even had specialists at a loss.


“My stomach and bowel issues are pretty much non-existent now if I follow Bec’s eating principles!”

Anyway, I’ll let you read this inspiring story before I keep blabbering on… it should be sure to inspire you!

Before you started the 3 Week Body Reset:

What were your physical symptoms you were unhappy with?

I had very painful stomach with excruciating spasms and bloating etc. I was diagnosed with helicobacter and diverticulitis after years of stomach and bowel pain. For around 5 years I was in and out of hospital and experienced really debilitating symptoms over this time which were impacting on my work and personal life.

How were you feeling emotionally?

I was really exhausted by the emotional impact of going into hospital constantly and feeling like I would never get my stomach and bowel under control.

This was on the back of a really terrible ankle fracture that I had several surgeries to fix. It wasn’t a great five years for me!

What do you think was holding you back? What were you doing wrong?

I thought I was eating well as I had tried weight watchers and was trying to stick to the points. What I didn’t know was that gut health really is not just about calories!!! My stomach complaints were still there!

Also, my Dr also picked up that I had insulin resistance, so I needed to follow a lower carb plan to manage this and prevent getting diabetes as I have a family history. The plans I used to follow weren’t low carb, so the 3 Week Body Reset appealed to me as it aligned with the principles that she said I should follow!

Had you tried other diet plans in the past? If so, what were they and why do you think that they didn’t they work?

Yes! Weight watchers and I also tried pre packaged meals. They made me feel so sick, I hated them and they did not work with my lifestyle as I like to go out lots! They just didn’t work because they weren’t realistic or flexible as they didn’t allow for those meal times out.


Whilst you were doing the 3 Week Body Reset: 

What surprised you?

Great tasty meals, I never felt hungry and all the guess work was taken out for me! I finally found something that suited my conditions and, after the first week, I was feeling better than ever.

Did you work it in with your family / social life and if so, how did you do this? What are some tips you can provide here for other women?

I have a very active social life. I sometimes go off track and I do like a wine! I found the program is not restrictive, and educates you on how to make smart choices with the extra guides which can easily be used when out for dinners and whilst cooking with your partner. Following the guidelines in these at these times really helped me.

The 3 Week Body Reset is just also really easy to just pick back up if you have had an indulgent day, and I think that’s because it is not restrictive, so you are more motivated to do this as it’s still an exciting day of food ahead!


 What did you learn?

I learnt that a weight loss plan doesn’t actually have to be hard, restrictive or rigid. It actually really can be enjoyable, flexible and doable! I’ve never found something like this before, it’s been so incredible being able to follow something that feels more like a lifestyle than a short term thing.

After completing the 3 Week Body Reset:

How did you feel physically?

Excellent!! I lost 5.5 kg on the reset and have lost around 6 kg more since being in the Health with Bec Tribe. My bloating went, and my stomach and bowel issues are pretty much non-existent now if I follow Bec’ eating principles!!

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 How did this make you feel emotionally?

Strong, and that I could finally take control of issues that were stressing me out so much.

Can you see yourself moving forward with this way of eating? If so, what are the main things you will do / main things you have learnt that you will carry on with and can act as tips for other women?

I always try to eat the Health with Bec way. I still go out, and sometimes fall off the wagon, however I have the strength and knowledge to get straight back on track.

My weekends always include meal prep. Sometimes extensive, sometimes just roasting veggies etc so I have a base for lunch salads. I always like to cook my dinner as I find it relaxing.

I also eat breakfast about three days per week and try and do intermittent fasting the rest of the days with my Before You Speak coffee. I make snacks on weekends as I do like to eat one a day, and I will go over my Health with Bec recipes and do a different one for each week.

The Snack Ideas & Dining out Guide in the 3 Week Body Reset to help create flexibility!

The Snack Ideas & Dining out Guide in the 3 Week Body Reset to help create flexibility!

If I don’t have a snack in the afternoon on hand, I reach for something that is not the healthiest option!

The pantry staples guide really really helps me too! I love how lots of the recipes use the same staples, so I always have ingredients at home to make a healthy meal and save time. (Psst - want this pantry staples guide too? You can download it for free here).

My goal now is to feel great for Christmas, so I plan to do some good meal preps in the coming week to help me get there.

The loss of weight is a nice addition to the health benefits of the program and for me, it was about getting some serious health issues under control after trying it all and seeing so many specialists.

Just woah huh?

Do you feel inspired?

I really hope you can see that it truly IS possible to heal your bloating concerns and slim down without the hunger, no matter how stuck or confused you feel.

Want to get on board with this plan too if you relate? I would love to help you.

Check it out!



The Foods To Avoid And Opt For To Prevent Bloating This Silly Season!


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