Health With Bec

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How Kate Lost a Whopping 9 kg in 2 Months and Finally Ditched All Confusion Around Dieting

Are you absolutely mind boggled by all of the diets out there and don’t even know where to start?

Have you dabbled in them, only to find yourself feeling restricted, starving and giving up after 1-2 weeks?

You’re not alone.

I see this all the time, and Kate was there too… until she discovered this lower carb way of life that helped her effortlessly drop 9 kgs in 2 months (seriously - WHAT!!!).

Here’s what Kate, Brisbane based Mumma had to say about her experience with the 3 Week Body Reset and how she’s keeping up with this new lifestyle. She shares some super interesting and useful tips for you at the end!

SO here goes…

Before you started the 3 Week Body Reset:

What were your physical symptoms you were unhappy with?

Before starting the 3 Week Body Reset I was really struggling to lost weight. I was eating relatively healthy, exercising 5 days a week but suffering from sugar cravings daily, particularly at about 2pm and 8pm.

How were you feeling emotionally?

Emotionally I was feeling pretty good. I have spent the last 2 years working on my personal wellbeing and getting to a really good place.

The only thing I wasn’t happy with in my life was my weight, and while I tried not to let it bother me as I ate well and exercised every day, I would still find myself getting upset, not enjoying looking at myself in the mirror - I would even cancel seeing my friends if I felt ugly.

What do you think was holding you back? What were you doing wrong?

My eating habits and nutrition were definitely holding me back. And not because I ate badly, but because I didn’t know what to eat or when to eat it.

I was eating a lot of legumes to reduce my meat intake, but that made me feel bloated.

I would eat heaps of veggies, but not enough protein or fat which made me crave sugar. I would treat myself to some Lindt dark chocolate… but then I would eat a whole block of it.

I’ve always had a big appetite and so I was over eating the wrong foods!

I also felt like everywhere I looked, there was different advice:

  • Too many carbs?

  • Not enough carbs?

  • High fat?

  • Low fat?

  • Fasting

  • Eating every 2 hours…?

… it was all very very confusing for me and I would swing back and forth trying these things without investing the amount of time I needed in to any of these diets properly.

Had you tried other diet plans in the past? If so, what were they and why do you think that they didn’t they work?

I haven’t tried any diet plans, although 18 months ago I had a lot of inflammation issues and brain fog caused by burn out and I was seeing a dietician weekly.

I found out I had very high inflammatory markers and so I cut out gluten which helped HEAPS with the joint pain I was experiencing.

The trouble was, the dietician not only cost a fortune, but she didn’t give me direction in meals or any meal plans, and prescribed me sooo many supplements - which also cost a bomb. So, while it really helped with the physical pain... I still wasn’t losing any weight and I was spending a huge amount of money!


Whilst you were doing the 3 Week Body Reset: 

What surprised you?

What surprised me was that after the initial withdrawals from sugar, I wasn’t hungry. The cravings stopped straight away after about day 5. I felt full and satisfied.

And look, the first 5 days were hard- I was getting headaches and super irritable (hellllla snappy at my husband, the poor man)… but I was determined to get through them and the rewards of those sugar cravings going away were definitely worth it!

Did you work it in with your family life and if so, how did you do this? What are some tips you can provide here for other women with families?

It didn’t change how I cooked for the family at all, but to be perfectly honest, I was already cooking multiple meals a night. I have 3 kids who each have different requirements, and my husband loves pasta which I can’t have… so meal times were a mess anyway!

But my husband came on board and ate the same meals, just adding rice or pasta where possible which was great!

 What did you learn?

That sugar is the devil. It honestly is. With sugar in your system you feel rubbish and you don’t even know that’s what rubbish feels like.

Once you are free from it, food tastes better, you don’t need as much of it and you don’t get cravings. After the initial week, the only time I thought about a sweet treat was when it was in front of me - like when hubby took the kids for ice cream, or my family came over and bought a box of chocolates… but I had enough will power to say no!

After completing the 3 Week Body Reset:

How did you feel physically?

During the first 3 weeks I lost 4 kgs, the biggest amount of weight I’ve lost in years. Since then, I’ve been following the Health with Bec Tribe and adapting my own meals based on her principles and I have lost a total of 9kg in 2 months.

I have also noticed big improvements in my skin, which looks noticeably healthier and more hydrated and vibrant.

How did this make you feel emotionally?

I feel great. Just really motivated and strong in the mind. No more brain fog, and lots of will power to continue!!

 Can you see yourself moving forward with this way of eating? If so, what are the main things you will do / main things you have learnt that you will carry on with and can act as tips for other women?

I am currently 5 weeks post finishing the reset and I am definitely continuing with this way of eating- mostly because I just feel great and I am finally losing weight.

The reset is quite strict, but so it should be - it’s resetting your body.

The things that helped me were:

  • Eliminating sugar completely. I couldn’t trust myself to only eat 2 pieces of chocolate as per the meal plan so I just cut that part out completely.

  • After the 3 Week Body Reset I continued, with one big change - I stopped snacking. While Bec offers lots of yummy recipes through her Health with Bec Tribe (the continuation from the Reset), I found my willpower would wane after having just one of the batch of delicious healthy treats, and I would end up over eating. So, I found it easier to just not snack, and have a slightly bigger meal serving (I have a big appetite anyway, so it worked out well). I made my own chai latte mix (using monk fruit sugar) and would have a chai with almond milk as a treat instead of a snack!

  • Fasting is hard at the start but it gets easier the more you do it!

  • I ate until I was full (ok, maybe a little over full) on my freedom meals but I made sure that it was still super healthy… so my portions may have been way bigger, but it was still low carb.

  • I drank so much darn herbal tea! That was my snack when I got hungry. Highly recommend. I also went to bed before 9pm so I wouldn’t get hungry.

How inspiring is this!!

I was so happy when Kate wanted to share her story, as it is another example of a women, like so many, that felt stuck and has now succeeded through following a lower carb, higher fat diet.

It truly IS possible to slim down without the hunger, no matter how stuck or confused you feel.

Want to get on board with this plan too?

Check out my signature 3 Week Body Reset!
