How Kate Lost 10 kgs And Is Keeping It Off (Without The Hunger)


Bec here… before I introduce you to Kate (get ready to be blown away and inspired) I just want to say…

If you’re a Mum and struggle to lose weight or keep it off, or work it in with your family - this is for you.

This is to inspire you and show you how it IS possible, even if you think you have tried everything. Because, if Kate did - SO CAN YOU.

Kate Robinson is a Brisbane based wedding photographer, the founder of The Love Club Podcast and membership and the proud mother of 2 beautiful children.

Kate and I meeting for the first time face to face at The Calile in Brisbane!

Kate and I meeting for the first time face to face at The Calile in Brisbane!


I was so blown away by Kate’s results and her genuine kindness, that I actually met her in Brisbane when I was there in 2019 to hear about her journey further and also connect as friends (pictured above - it was beautiful!). Such a wonderful woman.

Here’s Kate’s story:

“When I had my first baby Ava in 2015, my world (like many parents) was completely rocked.

We were living in America at the time, had limited family support, and when times got tough (there were many) I would eat food for comfort. And we were living in America…so, ya know?!

Fast forward 2 and a bit years, we had moved to Brisbane, I had our 2nd baby Tom – but I was still wasn’t being mindful of the food I ate.

I wanted to lose weight to feel more confident in my own skin.

To be able to shoot weddings without feeling like a bus had hit me the next day.

To have enough energy to keep up with my kids.

This was my DREAM…

But, I had very vague ideas of how to get healthy and lose weight. I joined the gym, had veggie sticks in the fridge, and tried to drink more water…but nothing was working.

Then at the end of 2018 I discovered Health With Bec’s 3 Week Body Reset plan. Now my dream had a date, I had a goal, and a plan.⠀

I committed to do the plan for three weeks and weight started coming off…so I continued with a moderately low carb way of eating, and…

I’ve lost nearly 10 kgs.

I’ve always LOVED food, and what I loved about Health With Bec’s plans is that I never felt like I was depriving myself. I still eat delicious food, but the difference is I now eat mindfully to fuel my body.

I can now photograph weddings with ease. I have more energy and feel stronger than I ever have before.


“My dream has become a reality, when I never thought it was possible.

I hope that me sharing my story gives you encouragement today!

I also asked Kate a series of questions to inspire you and to help explain:

  • How she felt and what her struggles were before using my approach

  • How she felt, what surprised her / what was different to everything else she tried before

  • Her tips for other mums to help them adapt meal plans to their families needs

  • Her results and how she has kept them up, a year on!

So, here goes!

Before you started the 3 Week Body Reset

What were your physical symptoms you were unhappy with?

I was overweight, I was stress and emotional eating a lot and I wanted to break that unhealthy cycle I was in and finally lose weight!

How were you feeling emotionally? 

I didn’t feel in control - when I was unhappy I tried to comfort myself with eating food and it made me feel worse ultimately!

What do you think was holding you back? Ie, what were you doing wrong?

I just didn’t have a plan that suited me, my lifestyle, my food preferences and family. Everything was too restrictive and didn’t appeal.

Had you tried other diet plans in the past? If so, what were they and why do you think that they didn’t they work?

Yes! I had but wouldn’t see weight loss results, or I’d feel really hungry and be good on the plan for a while, but then break it and eats lots because I wasn’t satisfied enough. It was such a constant cycle and I was over it!

Whilst you were doing the 3 Week Body Reset:

What surprised you?

It was so nice having the guess work taken out!!

The meals were filling, and I couldn’t believe I didn’t have to have carbs with every meal and still feel full.

Did you work it in with your family life and if so, how did you do this? What are some tips you can provide here for other women with families?

I would just make the meals, and then add in pasta, rice, or bread for my family - that made it so easy and the family guide that you also receive with the 3 Week Body Reset really helped with this too. You made it so easy!

What did you learn?

I learnt a whole new way of eating - mainly that you don’t have to eat carbs to feel full. I also learnt about serving sizes and it was so refreshing to have the calories already counted for me to take the guesswork out too. I could look at the calories whilst I was cooking and eating to learn without “calorie counting” myself on an app! Loved this!


After completing the 3 Week Body Reset:

How did you feel physically?

Quick weight loss, bloating disappears, my energy levels were high and remained high!

How did this make you feel emotionally?

I felt so much more confident! I was finally happy in my own skin, and I knew how to sustain a weight I was happy with without having to deprive myself.

Because I know that you kept up the lifestyle to lose more weight and keep it off – what are a few tips you can share that helped you do this? What does a regular day and week in the life look like for you now in terms of meal prep, meals, snacks and exercise? I’m sure other mothers will find this super helpful!

 I actually don’t really meal prep! I just buy whatever meat and veggies I like and then find inspiration from Bec’s plans from the 3 Week Body Reset and the Health with Bec Tribe, or just search for a similar low carb recipe online now that I have developed a lot of knowledge over the last 18 months!

So, once I have my meat and veg - together with recipes on hand, it takes a lot of the guesswork out!

I love dark chocolate and nuts for snacks, and try to do a bit of baking each week to make a healthy low carb treat for snacks through the week which my kids also love. So many of your recipes appeal to kids too, so that’s just a win win! But, your kids snack ideas in the family guide with the 3 Week Body Reset helps a lot too.


I have lost nearly 10 kgs!

Bec's recipes and plans have completely inspired me.”

Holy SMOKES - how incredible are Kate’s results! Not to toot my own horn or anything but it sounds too good and simple to be true right?

It’s not.

Weight loss and maintenance doesn’t have to be hard, restrictive or boring - I have committed the last 5 years of my life to changing this for women and I would love to help you too if you relate to Kate’s story!

Food is eaten like below… mmmmm. I personally wouldn’t eat any other way - it’s the lifestyle I personally follow too to remain weight and keep my gut concerns under control.

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Ready to end the yo-yo dieting and start your weight loss journey (without the hunger) too?

Check out my signature 3 Week Body Reset!


Fruit and Weight Loss? How Much Should You Eat?


From "Trying it All" To Losing 20 kgs In 10 Months