Health With Bec

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#156: Best tips to stay on track - with my team on our retreat!

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Join me in this super quick episode to hear from my team while we were down south on our work retreat!

I asked them all: 'What is your best tip to staying on track with your health with your extremely busy life?'

They are all members of the Health with Bec Tribe and have all been so for 1-3 years.

Which one will you implement into your life?



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I have a very exciting episode for you today, short and sweet and I did it with my team members down South. So I went with my team, (well, nearly all of my team) 3 hours out of Perth. I did say this in one of the last podcast episodes, but we had a beautiful time there all together, sharing Health with Bec meals, doing work together, brainstorming, resting, getting to know each other and it was amazing. 

I thought what a great opportunity to ask everyone what their best tips are that really help them stay on track with the Health with Bec life because all of the women are a part of the Health with Bec Tribe. So they are all living and breathing my approach.

Just a quick reminder that the Health With Bec Tribe is Step 2 after my signature program, the 3 Week Body Reset. So, the 3 Week Body Reset really sets the foundations for my lifestyle and helps women slim down and lose the bloat without the hunger or boredom, but of course you can't learn everything in only 3 weeks, so I created the Health with Bec Tribe to really help women turn their new diet into a lifestyle and find that long-term food freedom so that they can quit the yo-yo dieting and thrive at the potential that they deserve and really reach their balanced weight.

All of the women on my team are in the Health with Bec Tribe, so I have purposely hired women from the  Health with Bec Tribe because I truly believe that to teach people about something with love and passion, I believe that you have to have gone through it yourself. You have to have your own health journey and you have to be living and breathing what you're teaching, because that's what gave me my passion to create my programs, to work with women (before I even created my programs) and continue to show up every single day for the women on my programs, for this podcast, for Instagram and for every single aspect of my business. 

I love helping you and I love showing up because I've had my own health journey and because I live and breathe the approach that healed my gut issues and enabled me to reach my balanced weight and enables me to this day, to feel energised, to feel full, to keep the bloating at bay, to enjoy food without restricting myself and to really find the 80/ 20 balance with food. 

The way that I teach women is the exact way that I eat myself and that is exactly the same as all of the women on my team, so I purposely hired them because to hand over work (especially when all of these women are helping you guys), I really found that hard. It's hard to do because I want women to help people with as much love as I do, but I know that they would if they're in the Health with Bec Tribe and these women are absolutely all doing that. 

So without me blabbering on any more, because they are living and breathing the Health with Bec life and because they're all so busy in their own unique ways, they have lots of words of wisdom to share with you about how they stay on track with their healthy eating and their exercise, despite their life being busy. So I went around to all of the team members down South and then for the other team member, Elisha (who couldn't make it, she lives in Queensland), I gave her a phone call so that she could add her tip as well at the end of this podcast. So let's dive straight in…

Beautiful Georgie! Georgie, what is your best tip for staying on track with your health when you're working for me, nearly 40 hours a week sometimes and you've got a little toddler running around?
GC: I would say absolutely cooking in batches. So cooking something once, but eating it multiple times. So many of your recipes can be frozen as well, so at the end of the day I can just pull out a casserole or a soup and know that I have a nutritious meal for my family ready to go. 

BM: Amazing, so do you purposely then choose recipes that are easy to double or triple? 

GC: Yes, absolutely. I mean, most of your recipes you can double or triple, but I do choose recipes that can be frozen, particularly in Winter. Slow cookers are the best.
BM: Okay, good tip! So you put that on before you start work and then it's just done at the end of the day?

GC: Yes and then I would eat half for dinner and I'll freeze the other half for another meal.

BM: Kat, you are up next … this is Kat #2 (Kat is new to the team, she's just come on about a month ago). I would love to ask you Kat, what is your best tip for everyone listening, with how you stay on track with your health and busy life?

KS: So my tip would be scheduling your exercise in the morning, to make sure that you actually do it. I find it really sets me up for the day and keeps me focused. 

BM: Perfect. So when do you schedule it? 

KS: I schedule it after I drop my daughter at the bus stop for school. So I get home at 7am and then I schedule it in then, before I start work for you. 

BM: Is that when you exercise or you schedule it then?

KS: I do it from home. So, I do it at 7am when I get back from the bus stop and make sure it's done. 

BM: Okay, so you do a home workout but you make sure it's scheduled and do you do it the same time every day to keep it consistent? 

KS: I try to, yeah!

BM: I'm like that too. I feel like if I don’t do it in the morning, I won't get it done.

KS: Yes, if you leave it to the afternoon, it'll never happen. 

BM: So you leave that space in your calendar dedicated to exercise. I'm exactly the same. I leave a good hour or two, do a few hours of work, make sure there’s “Bec time”, “exercise time” and I treat it just as importantly as work and everything else because if I don't do that, I feel like my work isn't as good throughout the day and I don’t have as much energy. 

BM: Danni, can I ask you a quick question - what is your best tip for staying on track with the Health with Bec life, with your busy life? 

DB: Finding all the ways to implement it in your life, so living and breathing it - bingeing the podcast, getting in the Facebook community, try and immerse yourself as much as possible. 

BM: Listen to lots of different sources?

DB: Yeah, from different avenues …

BM: Is that because it always helps just keep it front of mind all the time?

DB: Yes!

BM: Hey Lemme, I would love to ask you what is your best tip for maintaining your Health with Bec life when you are really busy working because you’ve maintained it for a good 4 years now, so what’s your best tip for staying on track and keeping it maintained?

LH: Ok, I would say on a Sunday, prepping the snacks. For me, it’s having the Banana Muffins ready or the Brownie ready, maybe making a couple of batches and freezing some so you’ve got treats for the week - definitely having snacks ready to go.

BM: Awesome, so that prep on Sunday gives you going through the week?

LH: Yes and it only needs to be like 45 minutes to an hour to get the snacks done.

BM: Hey Kat, it's your turn. So I would love to ask you - what is the first tip that comes to mind that you would love to share with everyone, with how you maintain your healthy life when you are so extremely busy with 2 young kids, full-time work for me, body pump instructor- what is one tip that you would love to share with everyone? 

KW: I believe if it's worth having, it's worth doing. So if it's worth having better overall health in your body and wellness, it's worth doing the things that will ensure that you get that better health. So, if it's worth having, it's worth doing.

BM: So your tips a mindset one?

KW: Yes, definitely! 

BM: I love that and that helps you through every moment that might be a bit hard?
KW: Absolutely, when I just want to give in or give up or think it's not worth it. I think - well, hang on, if it's worth having better sleep, if it's worth having a happier gut, it's worth maintaining those changes that I've implemented to sustain those improvements.

BM: I love that so much, thank you for sharing that! 

Now that is everyone that was interviewed down South, but there was one special woman missing who couldn't come, which is Elisha, so I decided to give her a call after the retreat and see what she had to say… 

BM: Hi Elisha, I would really like to ask you a super quick question because as you know, I was just with the team down South but you couldn't come, but when we were down there, I decided to record a podcast with everyone and just ask them for one of their best tips with how they stay on track with the Health with Bec life in their busy lives. So obviously you work for me, you're a personal trainer, you're a personal stylist, you're a mom of 2 kids, but you manage to eat healthy and exercise all the time and I’m just wondering what is your best tip to give people with how you maintain your health in your busy life?

EC: Hey Bec, great question! I mean, I'm a creature of habit, so let's start there. I follow the same weekly meal plan for 3 weeks straight (including the same breakfast most days) which honestly, I'm too embarrassed to even admit how long I've been having this same Berry Breakfast Bowl. If I don't love a meal, I'll just swap it out, but I'll follow it for 3 weeks, allowing of course room for fun nights out. What this does, it frees up time and energy, not only spent in the kitchen, but in my mind which I feel derails even the best of us. At about the 3 week mark, we all start to crave something different. So in that final week, I'll then include a bit of spontaneity. 

One more thing, in terms of staying on track, indulge, then get straight back into it, the very next meal. Not the next day, not the next month, the very next meal. The sooner you get back into it, the better you'll feel and the easier it will be to maintain and continue this approach long term. I hope that helps.