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#171: Money Mindset: How I Prioritise My Spending to Reach My Health and Life Goals!

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In this episode, I dive into how I prioritise and invest my money in ways that directly align with my personal and professional goals. From building a successful business to maintaining a healthy, balanced lifestyle, I’ll take you through the thought process behind my spending decisions to inspire you to rethink how you invest your own money.

It’s all about setting the right priorities—whether it’s in your health, relationships, or even your joy—and understanding that investing in the right areas can help you reach your goals faster! I also give you some clear action steps at the end to help you re-set your priorities and start spending money on the RIGHT things that will propel you forward in life!

Prefer to read the summary as a blog? Read below!

In this episode of Body Bites with Bec, I’m diving into a topic that I’ve personally never discussed in this much detail before—how I choose to invest my money in ways that align with both my business and personal goals. Whether it's fueling my health, growing my business, or creating more joy in my life, the way I spend money has been a crucial factor in how I achieve success. This episode isn’t just about finances—it's about changing your mindset and setting the right priorities so you can spend your money and time on things that truly support your goals. By the end of this blog, I hope you’ll feel inspired to reframe how you think about spending money and how investing in the right areas can help you reach your potential.

Why Understanding Your “Why” Matters First

Before we can talk about where to invest your money, it’s important to get crystal clear on your "why." Your "why" is the deeper reason behind the goals you set for yourself—it’s what motivates you to take action, even when it’s tough. For me, my "why" is centered around helping women achieve lasting food freedom, optimal gut health, and a balanced weight. This drives every decision I make in my business, from creating programs to showing up for my clients, and yes, it even influences how I choose to spend my money.

I truly believe that without understanding your deeper motivation, it’s easy to get off track. When you know why you're working toward something, it’s easier to prioritize spending and take the right actions each day. For example, if your "why" is to feel healthier so you can be more present for your family, then spending money on nutritious food or exercise won’t feel like an expense—it becomes a meaningful investment in your well-being and your ability to show up for your loved ones.

If you’re unsure of your deeper why, I encourage you to go back and listen to Episode 13 of the podcast. In that episode, I walk you through a powerful exercise to help you discover your deeper motivation, which will in turn help you set clear priorities with your money, time, and energy. Once you know your why, you'll be able to make aligned decisions that propel you toward your goals—whether they're health, career, or relationship-related.

My Key Investments to Support My Goals

Here’s a closer look at the key areas where I choose to invest my money regularly. These aren’t just random expenses—they are intentional decisions that help me reach my goals faster and more effectively. I hope that by sharing them, you’ll feel inspired to think about how your own spending can better align with what truly matters in your life.

1. Good Quality, Healthy Food

I’ve always believed that you can’t put a price on feeling your best, and that starts with what you put into your body. I never hesitate to spend money on fresh, whole foods like vegetables, lean proteins, and nutrient-dense snacks. The way I feel after eating a balanced, nutritious meal is priceless. It fuels my energy, keeps my gut healthy, and helps me maintain a balanced weight—all of which directly impact my ability to focus, work efficiently, and feel confident in my skin.

When you think about it, spending money on healthy food isn’t just about the immediate benefits. It’s about investing in your long-term health. If you’re eating well now, you’re less likely to face costly health issues down the road. This mindset shift can help you see the true value in spending a little more on groceries that nourish your body. In addition to cooking at home, I also love spending money on meals out with friends and family, because to me, enjoying good food with people I love is one of life’s greatest joys. It’s a way to stay connected and create memories—so it’s not just about food, it’s about investing in relationships too.

2. Exercise & Fitness

Another area I never hesitate to invest in is my fitness. I have a gym membership and attend Pilates classes, both of which keep me feeling strong and grounded. Exercise is a non-negotiable part of my daily routine, not only because it helps me stay fit, but because of how it affects my mental health. Moving my body in the morning sets the tone for my entire day. I always feel less stressed, more focused, and ready to tackle my work with a clear mind.

This doesn’t mean you have to spend a fortune on fitness. If gym memberships or Pilates aren’t your thing, you can find what works for you. Maybe that’s at-home workouts, online fitness classes, or even something as simple as daily walks. The important thing is to prioritize movement that makes you feel good and energizes you for the day ahead. For me, spending money on fitness isn’t an expense—it’s an investment in how I show up for myself, my business, and the people I care about. Plus, it helps me maintain a healthy weight, strong muscles, and a balanced mood, all of which are vital for long-term well-being.

3. Outsourcing & Delegating

This one took me a while to figure out, but outsourcing has been a game-changer for both my business and personal life. In the early years of my business, I tried to do everything myself. It wasn’t until I started to delegate tasks—like hiring a cleaner for my home or expanding my customer support team—that I realized how much more time I had to focus on what truly mattered. By getting help with tasks that don’t align with my strengths or passions, I’ve freed up hours in my week that I can now spend on growing my business or enjoying time with loved ones.

If you’re in a similar situation—feeling overwhelmed by your to-do list—consider what you can outsource. Maybe it’s hiring a cleaner, like I did, or maybe it’s finding help with childcare, or even using meal delivery services when you’re short on time. Delegating isn’t a sign of weakness—it’s a smart investment in your time and energy. It allows you to focus on the things that really move the needle toward your goals, whether that’s career growth, personal development, or simply having more time for self-care.

4. Self-Care & Mental Well-Being

Speaking of self-care, this is another area I prioritize without hesitation. Over the years, I’ve learned that in order to perform at my best—both mentally and physically—I need to invest in regular self-care practices. For me, this looks like booking massages, going for sauna sessions, or treating myself to a magnesium float tank experience. These activities help me unwind, reduce stress, and prevent burnout, all of which are essential for maintaining balance in a busy life.

Self-care isn’t just a luxury—it’s a necessity, especially if you’re balancing a lot of responsibilities. It’s easy to think of these things as indulgent, but the reality is that they help me stay grounded and focused, which in turn supports my bigger goals. When I take time to recharge, I come back more creative, productive, and energized. I encourage you to think about what self-care looks like for you, and how you can make room in your budget for activities that nurture your mental well-being.

5. Travel & New Experiences

One of the most fulfilling investments I make is in travel. In recent years, I’ve made it a point to prioritize trips that help me disconnect from my daily routine and recharge. While travel might seem like a splurge, I’ve found that it pays off in so many ways. When I take time to explore new places, I come back feeling refreshed, inspired, and often with a new perspective on my work and life.

Whether it’s a weekend getaway or a longer overseas trip, travel is something that brings me immense joy and creativity. It’s an investment in my happiness and mental clarity. Plus, I’ve noticed that when I’m away, my business doesn’t suffer—in fact, it often thrives because I return feeling more energized and focused. So if travel is something that lights you up, consider it an investment in your overall well-being and success.

Shifting Your Money Mindset: Investments, Not Expenses

One of the key takeaways from this episode is the importance of shifting how you view spending. When you spend money on things that align with your goals, it’s not an expense—it’s an investment in your future. Whether it’s buying healthy food, paying for a gym membership, or outsourcing tasks, every dollar spent is bringing you closer to the life you want to live.

Take Action: How You Can Start Investing in Your Goals

  • Clarify Your Why: Start by getting clear on your deeper "why." Why do you want to achieve your health, business, or personal goals? Once you know this, you can align your spending to support that vision.

  • Audit Your Spending: Take a look at where your money is currently going. Are there areas where you could cut back? Maybe it’s subscriptions you don’t use, or spending on things that don’t truly bring value to your life.

  • Invest in What Matters: Start spending your money on the things that will move you closer to your goals—whether that’s healthier food, fitness classes, or self-care. Remember, these are investments, not expenses.

Investing in yourself—whether it’s through healthy food, exercise, self-care, or outsourcing—is crucial to reaching your goals and living a fulfilling life. I hope this episode inspires you to reflect on how you’re spending your money and to start investing in what truly matters. It’s all about aligning your spending with your deeper why and living your life with intention.

If you found this episode helpful, be sure to share it with a friend or on your social media! And as always, if you’re not already following me on Instagram, head over to @health_with_bec for more tips on weight loss, gut health, and food freedom!

Links mentioned:
Listen to Episode 13: Why Motivation is NOT What You're Looking For. It's This...

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Start your weight loss, gut healing and anti-inflammatory journey now with my 3 Week Body  Reset 

Continue your journey and figuring out YOUR own balance in the Health with Bec Tribe 

Explore my recipe eBooks: Click here! 

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